Object Serialization – Java I/O: Part I

20.5 Object Serialization

Object serialization allows the state of an object to be transformed into a sequence of bytes that can be converted back into a copy of the object (called deserialization). After deserialization, the object has the same state as it had when it was serialized, barring any data members that were not serializable. This mechanism is generally known as persistence—the serialized result of an object can be stored in a repository from which it can be later retrieved.

Java provides the object serialization facility through the ObjectInput and Object-Output interfaces, which allow the writing and reading of objects to and from I/O streams. These two interfaces extend the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces, respectively (Figure 20.1, p. 1235).

The ObjectOutputStream class and the ObjectInputStream class implement the Object-Output interface and the ObjectInput interface, respectively, providing methods to write and read binary representation of both objects as well as Java primitive values. Figure 20.9 gives an overview of how these classes can be chained to underlying streams and some selected methods they provide. The figure does not show the methods inherited from the abstract OutputStream and InputStream superclasses.

Figure 20.9 Object Stream Chaining

The read and write methods in the two classes can throw an IOException, and the read methods will throw an EOFException if an attempt is made to read past the end of the stream.

The ObjectOutputStream Class

The class ObjectOutputStream can write objects to any stream that is a subclass of the OutputStream—for example, to a file or a network connection (socket). An Object-OutputStream must be chained to an OutputStream using the following constructor:

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ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException

For example, in order to store objects in a file and thus provide persistent storage for objects, an ObjectOutputStream can be chained to a FileOutputStream:

Click here to view code image

FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“obj-storage.dat”);
ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputFile);

Objects can be written to the stream using the writeObject() method of the Object-OutputStream class:

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final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException

The writeObject() method can be used to write any object to a stream, including strings and arrays, as long as the object implements the java.io.Serializable interface, which is a marker interface with no methods. The String class, the primitive wrapper classes, and all array types implement the Serializable interface. A serializable object can be any compound object containing references to other objects, and all constituent objects that are serializable are serialized recursively when the compound object is written out. This is true even if there are cyclic references between the objects. Each object is written out only once during serialization. The following information is included when an object is serialized:

  • The class information needed to reconstruct the object
  • The values of all serializable non-transient and non-static members, including those that are inherited

A checked exception of the type java.io.NotSerializableException is thrown if a non-serializable object is encountered during the serialization process. Note also that objects of subclasses that extend a serializable class are always serializable.

The ObjectInputStream Class – Java I/O: Part I

The ObjectInputStream Class

An ObjectInputStream is used to restore (deserialize) objects that have previously been serialized using an ObjectOutputStream. An ObjectInputStream must be chained to an InputStream, using the following constructor:

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ObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException

For example, in order to restore objects from a file, an ObjectInputStream can be chained to a FileInputStream:

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FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(“obj-storage.dat”);
ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputFile);

The readObject() method of the ObjectInputStream class is used to read the serialized state of an object from the stream:

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final Object readObject() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException

Note that the reference type of the returned object is Object, regardless of the actual type of the retrieved object, and can be cast to the desired type. Objects and values must be read in the same order as when they were serialized.

Serializable, non-transient data members of an object, including those data members that are inherited, are restored to the values they had at the time of serialization. For compound objects containing references to other objects, the constituent objects are read to re-create the whole object structure. In order to deserialize objects, the appropriate classes must be available at runtime. Note that new objects are created during deserialization, so that no existing objects are overwritten.

The class ObjectSerializationDemo in Example 20.6 serializes some objects in the writeData() method at (1), and then deserializes them in the readData() method at (2). The readData() method also writes the data to the standard output stream.

The writeData() method at (1) writes the following values to the output stream: an array of strings (strArray), a long value (num), an array of int values (intArray), a String object (commonStr) which is shared with the array strArray of strings, and an instance (oneCD) of the record class CD whose component fields are all serializable.

Duplication is automatically avoided when the same object is serialized several times. The shared String object (commonStr) is actually only serialized once. Note that the array elements and the characters in a String object are not written out explicitly one by one. It is enough to pass the object reference in the writeObject() method call. The method also recursively goes through the array of strings, strArray, serializing each String object in the array. The current state of the oneCD instance is also serialized.

The method readData() at (2) deserializes the data in the order in which it was written. An explicit cast is needed to convert the reference of a deserialized object to a subtype. Applying the right cast is of course the responsibility of the application. Note that new objects are created by the readObject() method, and that an object created during the deserialization process has the same state as the object that was serialized.

Efficient Record Serialization – Java I/O: Part I

Efficient Record Serialization

Example 20.6 shows an example of serializing and deserializing an instance of a record class (§5.14, p. 299). It is worth noting that both processes on records are very efficient as the state components of a record entirely describe the state values to serialize, and as the canonical constructor of a record class is always used to create the complete state of a record, the canonical constructor is also always used during deserialization. By design, selective and customized serialization, discussed later in this section, are not allowed for records.

Example 20.6 Object Serialization

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import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.Year;
/** A record class that represents a CD. */
public record CD(String artist, String title, int noOfTracks,
                 Year year, Genre genre) implements Serializable {
  public enum Genre implements Serializable {POP, JAZZ, OTHER}

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//Reading and Writing Objects
import java.io.*;
import java.time.Year;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ObjectSerializationDemo {
  void writeData() {                                    // (1)
    try (// Set up the output stream:
        FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“obj-storage.dat”);
        ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputFile)) {
      // Write data:
      String[] strArray = {“Seven”, “Eight”, “Six”};
      long num = 2014;
      int[] intArray = {1, 3, 1949};
      String commonStr = strArray[2];                  // “Six”
      CD oneCD = new CD(“Jaav”, “Java Jive”, 8, Year.of(2017), CD.Genre.POP);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      System.err.println(“File not found: ” + e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println(“Write error: ” + e);
  void readData() {                                     // (2)
    try (// Set up the input stream:
        FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(“obj-storage.dat”);
        ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputFile)) {
      // Read the data:
      String[] strArray = (String[]) inputStream.readObject();
      long num = inputStream.readLong();
      int[] intArray = (int[]) inputStream.readObject();
      String commonStr = (String) inputStream.readObject();
      CD oneCD = (CD) inputStream.readObject();
      // Write data to the standard output stream:
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      System.err.println(“File not found: ” + e);
    } catch (EOFException e) {
      System.err.println(“End of stream: ” + e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println(“Read error: ” + e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      System.err.println(“Class not found: ” + e);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ObjectSerializationDemo demo = new ObjectSerializationDemo();

Output from the program:

Click here to view code image [Seven, Eight, Six]
[1, 3, 1949]
CD[artist=Jaav, title=Java Jive, noOfTracks=8, year=2017, genre=POP]

Selective Serialization – Java I/O: Part I

Selective Serialization

As noted earlier, static fields are not serialized, as these are not part of the state of an object. An instance field of an object can be omitted from being serialized by specifying the transient modifier in the declaration of the field—typically used for sensitive data in a field. Selective serialization discussed here is not applicable to record classes.

Example 20.7 illustrates some salient aspects of serialization. The setup comprises the classes Wheel and Unicycle, and their client class SerialClient. The class Unicycle has a field of type Wheel, and the class Wheel has a field of type int. The class Unicycle is a compound object with a Wheel object as a constituent object. The class Serial-Client serializes and deserializes a unicycle in the try-with-resources statements at (4) and (5), respectively. The state of the objects is printed to the standard output stream before serialization, and so is the state of the object created by deserialization.

Both the Compound Object and Its Constituents Are Serializable

If we run the program with the following declarations for the Wheel and the Unicycle classes, where a compound object of the serializable class Unicycle uses an object of the serializable class Wheel as a constituent object:

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class Wheel implements Serializable {                               // (1a)
  private int wheelSize;
class Unicycle implements Serializable {                            // (2)
  private Wheel wheel;                                              // (3a)

we get the following output, showing that both serialization and deserialization were successful:

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Before writing: Unicycle with wheel size: 65
After reading: Unicycle with wheel size: 65

A compound object with its constituent objects is often referred to as an object graph. Serializing a compound object serializes its complete object graph—that is, the compound object and its constituent objects are recursively serialized.

Example 20.7 Non-Serializable Objects

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import java.io.Serializable;
// public class Wheel implements Serializable {                   // (1a)
public class Wheel {                                              // (1b)
  private int wheelSize;
  public Wheel(int ws) { wheelSize = ws; }
  public String toString() { return “wheel size: ” + wheelSize; }

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import java.io.Serializable;
public class Unicycle implements Serializable {                     // (2)
  private Wheel wheel;                                              // (3a)
//transient private Wheel wheel;                                    // (3b)
  public Unicycle (Wheel wheel) { this.wheel = wheel; }
  public String toString() { return “Unicycle with ” + wheel; }

Click here to view code image

import java.io.*;
public class SerialClient {
  public static void main(String args[])
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    try (// Set up the output stream:                              // (4)
        FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“storage.dat”);
        ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputFile)) {
      // Write the data:
      Wheel wheel = new Wheel(65);
      Unicycle uc = new Unicycle(wheel);
      System.out.println(“Before writing: ” + uc);
    try (// Set up the input streams:                              // (5)
        FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(“storage.dat”);
        ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputFile)) {
      // Read data.
      Unicycle uc = (Unicycle) inputStream.readObject();
      // Write data on standard output stream.
      System.out.println(“After reading: ” + uc);

Writing Formatted Values – Java I/O: Part I

Writing Formatted Values

Although formatting of values is covered extensively in Chapter 18, p. 1095, here we mention the support for formatting values provided by I/O streams. The PrintWriter class provides the format() methods and the printf() convenient methods to write formatted values. The printf() methods are functionally equivalent to the format() methods. As the methods return a PrintWriter, calls to these methods can be chained.

The printf() and the format() methods for printing formatted values are also provided by the PrintStream and the Console classes (p. 1256). The format() method is also provided by the String class (§8.4, p. 457). We assume familiarity with printing formatted values on the standard output stream by calling the printf() method on the System.out field which is an object of the PrintStream class (§1.9, p. 24).

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PrintWriter format(String format, Object… args)
PrintWriter format(Locale loc, String format, Object… args)
PrintWriter printf(String format, Object… args)
PrintWriter printf(Locale loc, String format, Object… args)

The String parameter format specifies how formatting will be done. It contains format specifiers that determine how each subsequent value in the variable arity parameter args will be formatted and printed. The resulting string from the formatting will be written to the current writer.

If the locale is specified, it is taken into consideration to format the args.

Any error in the format string will result in a runtime exception.

Writing Text Files

When writing text representation of values to a file using the default character encoding, any one of the following four procedures for setting up a PrintWriter can be used.

Setting up a PrintWriter based on an OutputStreamWriter which is chained to a FileOutputStream (Figure 20.4(a)):

Figure 20.4 Setting Up a PrintWriter to Write to a File

Create a FileOutputStream:

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FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“info.txt”);

Create an OutputStreamWriter which is chained to the FileOutputStream:

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OutputStreamWriter outputStream = new OutputStreamWriter(outputFile);

The OutputStreamWriter uses the default character encoding for writing the characters to the file.

Create a PrintWriter which is chained to the OutputStreamWriter:

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PrintWriter printWriter1 = new PrintWriter(outputStream, true);

The value true for the second parameter in the constructor will result in the output buffer being flushed by the println() and printf() methods.

Setting up a PrintWriter based on a FileOutputStream (Figure 20.4(b)):

Create a FileOutputStream:

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FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“info.txt”);

Create a PrintWriter which is chained to the FileOutputStream:

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PrintWriter printWriter2 = new PrintWriter(outputFile, true);

The intermediate OutputStreamWriter to convert the characters using the default encoding is automatically supplied. The output buffer will also perform automatic line flushing.

Setting up a PrintWriter based on a FileWriter (Figure 20.4(c)):

Create a FileWriter which is a subclass of OutputStreamWriter:

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FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(“info.txt”);

This is equivalent to having an OutputStreamWriter chained to a FileOutputStream for writing the characters to the file, as shown in Figure 20.4(a).

Create a PrintWriter which is chained to the FileWriter:

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PrintWriter printWriter3 = new PrintWriter(fileWriter, true);

The output buffer will be flushed by the println() and printf() methods.

Setting up a PrintWriter, given the file name (Figure 20.4(d)):

Create a PrintWriter, supplying the file name:

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PrintWriter printWriter4 = new PrintWriter(“info.txt”);

The underlying OutputStreamWriter is created to write the characters to the file in the default encoding, as shown in Figure 20.4(d). In this case, there is no automatic flushing by the println() and printf() methods.

If a specific character encoding is desired for the writer, the third procedure (Figure 20.4(c)) can be used, with the encoding being specified for the FileWriter:

Click here to view code image

Charset utf8 = Charset.forName(“UTF-8”);
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(“info.txt”, utf8);
PrintWriter printWriter5 = new PrintWriter(fileWriter, true);

This writer will use the UTF-8 character encoding to write the characters to the file. Alternatively, we can use a PrintWriter constructor that accepts a character encoding:

Click here to view code image

Charset utf8 = Charset.forName(“UTF-8”);
PrintWriter printWriter6 = new PrintWriter(“info.txt”, utf8);

A BufferedWriter can also be used to improve the efficiency of writing characters to the underlying stream, as explained later in this section.

Customizing Object Serialization – Java I/O: Part I

Customizing Object Serialization

As we have seen, the class of the object must implement the Serializable interface if we want the object to be serialized. If this object is a compound object, then all its constituent objects must also be serializable, and so on.

It is not always possible for a client to declare that a class is Serializable. It might be declared final, and therefore not extendable. The client might not have access to the code, or extending this class with a serializable subclass might not be an option. Java provides a customizable solution for serializing objects in such cases.

Customized serialization discussed here is not applicable to record classes.

The basic idea behind the scheme is to use default serialization as much as possible, and to provide hooks in the code for the serialization mechanism to call specific methods to deal with objects or values that should not or cannot be serialized by the default methods of the object streams.

Customizing serialization is illustrated in Example 20.8, using the Wheel and Unicycle classes from Example 20.7. The serializable class Unicycle would like to use the Wheel class, but this class is not serializable. If the wheel field in the Unicycle class is declared to be transient, it will be ignored by the default serialization procedure. This is not a viable option, as the unicycle will be missing the wheel size when a serialized unicycle is deserialized, as was illustrated in Example 20.7.

Any serializable object has the option of customizing its own serialization if it implements the following pair of methods:

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  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream) throws IOException;
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream)
                       throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

These methods are not part of any interface. Although private, these methods can be called by the JVM. The first method above is called on the object when its serialization starts. The serialization procedure uses the reference value of the object to be serialized that is passed in the call to the ObjectOutputStream.writeObject() method, which in turn calls the first method above on this object. The second method above is called on the object created when the deserialization procedure is initiated by the call to the ObjectInputStream.readObject() method.

Customizing serialization for objects of the class Unicycle in Example 20.8 is achieved by the private methods at (3c) and (3d). Note that the field wheel is declared transient at (3b) and excluded by the normal serialization process.

In the private method writeObject() at (3c) in Example 20.8, the pertinent lines of code are the following:

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oos.defaultWriteObject();               // Method in the ObjectOutputStream class
oos.writeInt(wheel.getWheelSize());     // Method in the ObjectOutputStream class

The call to the defaultWriteObject() method of the ObjectOutputStream does what its name implies: normal serialization of the current object. The second line of code does the customization: It writes the binary int value of the wheel size to the ObjectOutputStream. The code for customization can be called both before and after the call to the defaultWriteObject() method, as long as the same order is used during deserialization.

In the private method readObject() at (3d), the pertinent lines of code are the following:

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ois.defaultReadObject();                // Method in the ObjectInputStream class
int wheelSize = ois.readInt();          // Method in the ObjectInputStream class
this.wheel = new Wheel(wheelSize);

The call to the defaultReadObject() method of the ObjectInputStream does what its name implies: normal deserialization of the current object. The second line of code reads the binary int value of the wheel size from the ObjectInputStream. The third line of code creates a Wheel object, passes this value in the constructor call, and assigns its reference value to the wheel field of the current object. Again, code for customization can be called both before and after the call to the defaultReadObject() method, as long as it is in correspondence with the customization code in the writeObject() method.

The client class SerialClient in Example 20.8 is the same as the one in Example 20.7. The output from the program confirms that the object state prior to serialization is identical to the object state after deserialization.

Example 20.8 Customized Serialization

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public class Wheel {                                               // (1b)
  private int wheelSize;
  public Wheel(int ws) { wheelSize = ws; }
  public int getWheelSize() { return wheelSize; }
  public String toString() { return “wheel size: ” + wheelSize; }

Click here to view code image
import java.io.*;
public class Unicycle implements Serializable {                    // (2)
  transient private Wheel wheel;                                   // (3b)
  public Unicycle(Wheel wheel) { this.wheel = wheel; }
  public String toString() { return “Unicycle with ” + wheel; }
  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) {               // (3c)
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) {                 // (3d)
    try {
      int wheelSize = ois.readInt();
      this.wheel = new Wheel(wheelSize);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

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public class SerialClient { // Same as in
Example 20.7

Output from the program:

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Before writing: Unicycle with wheel size: 65
After reading: Unicycle with wheel size: 65

Listing All Observable Modules – Java Module System

Listing All Observable Modules

The java command with the –list-modules option (no short form) lists the system modules that are installed in the JDK, and then exits. These modules are available to every application. This lengthy list gives an idea of how the JDK has been modularized. The java command lists each module with its version; in this case, it is Java 17.0.2. Module names starting with the prefix java implement the Java SE Language Specification, whereas those starting with jdk are JDK specific. The reader will no doubt recognize some names, specially java.base.

The system modules are found in the jmods directory under the installation directory of the JDK. These are JMOD files having a module name with the extension “.jmod”. JMOD files have a special non-executable format that allows native binary libraries and other configuration files to be packaged with bytecode artifacts that can then be linked to create runtime images with the jlink tool (p. 1222).

>java –list-modules
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Specifying a module path in the java command below not only lists the system modules, but also the modular JARs found in the specified module path—in other words, all observable modules. In the java command below, the absolute path of all JARs found in the mlib directory is listed last in the output.

Click here to view code image

>java –module-path mlib –list-modules
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

controller file:…/adviceApp/mlib/controller.jar
main file:…/adviceApp/mlib/main.jar
model file:…/adviceApp/mlib/model.jar
view file:…/adviceApp/mlib/view.jar

Describing the Module Descriptor of a JAR

Both the java tool and the jar tool have the –describe-module option (short form: -d) to show the information contained in the module descriptor of a JAR. Both commands are used respectively below.

Click here to view code image

>java –module-path mlib –describe-module main
main file:…/adviceApp/mlib/main.jar
requires java.base mandated
requires controller
contains com.passion.main
>jar –file mlib/main.jar –describe-module

main jar:file:…/adviceApp/mlib/main.jar/!module-info.class
requires controller
requires java.base mandated
contains com.passion.main
main-class com.passion.main.Main

Note that in the java command, the –describe-module option requires a module name, whereas that is not the case in the jar command, where the –file option specifies the modular JAR.

Since the module descriptor is a Java bytecode class file, it must be disassembled to display its information. In both cases, first the module name is printed, followed by the path of the JAR. In the case of the jar command, the name module-info.class is appended to the path of the JAR. In both cases, the names of modules required (java.base and controller) are reported. The main module also contains an internal package (com.passion.main). Not surprisingly, the java.base module is mandated. However, only the jar command reports that the main-class is com.passion.main.Main. The jar command is useful to find the entry point of an application.

The –describe-module option (short form: -d) can also be used on a system module. The following java command describes the module descriptor of the java.base system module. The command lists all modules the java.base module exports, uses, exports qualified, and contains (p. 1177). As can be expected from its status as a mandated module for all other modules, it does not require any module.

Click here to view code image

>java –describe-module java.base
[email protected]
exports java.io
exports java.lang

uses java.util.spi.CurrencyNameProvider
uses java.util.spi.TimeZoneNameProvider

qualified exports jdk.internal to jdk.jfr
qualified exports sun.net.www to java.desktop java.net.http jdk.jartool

contains com.sun.crypto.provider
contains com.sun.java.util.jar.pack

Serialization and Inheritance – Java I/O: Part I

Serialization and Inheritance

The inheritance hierarchy of an object also determines what its state will be after it is deserialized. An object will have the same state at deserialization as it had at the time it was serialized if all its superclasses are also serializable. This is because the normal object creation and initialization procedure using constructors is not run during deserialization.

However, if any superclass of an object is not serializable, then the normal creation procedure using no-argument or default constructors is run, starting at the first non-serializable superclass, all the way up to the Object class. This means that the state at deserialization might not be the same as at the time the object was serialized because superconstructors run during deserialization may have initialized the state of the object. If the non-serializable superclass does not provide a non-argument constructor or the default constructor, a java.io.InvalidClassException is thrown during deserialization.

Example 20.9 illustrates how inheritance affects serialization. The Student class is a subclass of the Person class. Whether the superclass Person is serializable or not has implications for serializing objects of the Student subclass, in particular, when their byte representation is deserialized.

Superclass Is Serializable

If the superclass is serializable, then any object of a subclass is also serializable. In Example 20.9, the code at (4) in the class SerialInheritance serializes a Student object:

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Student student = new Student(“Pendu”, 1007);
System.out.println(“Before writing: ” + student);

The corresponding code for deserialization of the streamed object is at (5) in the class SerialInheritance:

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Student student = (Student) inputStream.readObject();
System.out.println(“After reading: ” + student);

We get the following output from the program in Example 20.9 when it is run with (1a) and (3a) in the Person class and the Student class, respectively—that is, when the superclass is serializable and so is the subclass, by virtue of inheritance.

The results show that the object state prior to serialization is identical to the object state after deserialization. In this case, no superclass constructors were run during deserialization.

Click here to view code image

Before writing: Student state(Pendu, 1007)
After reading: Student state(Pendu, 1007)

Superclass Is Not Serializable – Java I/O: Part I

Superclass Is Not Serializable

However, the result of deserialization is not the same when the superclass Person is not serializable, but the subclass Student is. We get the following output from the program in Example 20.9 when it is run with (1b) and (3b) in the Person class and the Student class, respectively—that is, when only the subclass is serializable, but not the superclass. The output shows that the object state prior to serialization is not identical to the object state after deserialization.

Click here to view code image

Before writing: Student state(Pendu, 1007)
No-argument constructor executed.
After reading: Student state(null, 1007)

During deserialization, the zero-argument constructor of the Person superclass at (2) is run. As we can see from the declaration of the Person class in Example 20.9, this zero-argument constructor does not initialize the name field, which remains initialized with the default value for reference types (null).

If the superclass Person does not provide the no-argument constructor or the default constructor, as in the declaration below, the call to the readObject() method to perform deserialization throws an InvalidClassException.

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public class Person  {                                         // (1b)
  private String name;
  public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }
  public String getName() { return name; }

Output from the program (edited to fit on the page):

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Before writing: Student state(Pendu, 1007)
Exception in thread “main” java.io.InvalidClassException:
        Student; no valid constructor
        at SerialInheritance.main(SerialInheritance.java:28)

The upshot of serializing objects of subclasses is that the superclass should be serializable, unless there are compelling reasons for why it is not. And if the superclass is not serializable, it should at least provide either the default constructor or the no-argument constructor to avoid an exception during deserialization.

Although a superclass might be serializable, its subclasses can prevent their objects from being serialized by implementing the private method writeObject (ObjectOutputStream) that throws a java.io.NotSerializableException.

Example 20.9 Serialization and Inheritance

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import java.io.Serializable;
// A superclass
public class Person implements Serializable {                  // (1a)
//public class Person  {                                       // (1b)
  private String name;
  public Person() {                                            // (2)
    System.out.println(“No-argument constructor executed.”);
  public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }
  public String getName() { return name; }

Click here to view code image

import java.io.Serializable;
public class Student extends Person {                            // (3a)
//public class Student extends Person implements Serializable {  // (3b)
  private long studNum;
  public Student(String name, long studNum) {
    this.studNum = studNum;
  public String toString() {
    return “Student state(” + getName() + “, ” + studNum + “)”;

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import java.io.*;
public class SerialInheritance {
  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // Serialization:
    try (// Set up the output stream:                                        (4)
        FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“storage.dat”);
        ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputFile)) {
      // Write data:
      Student student = new Student(“Pendu”, 1007);
      System.out.println(“Before writing: ” + student);
    // Deserialization:
    try (// Set up the input stream:                                          (5)
        FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(“storage.dat”);
        ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputFile)) {
      // Read data.
      Student student = (Student) inputStream.readObject();
      // Write data on standard output stream.
      System.out.println(“After reading: ” + student);

Serialization and Versioning – Java I/O: Part I

Serialization and Versioning

Class versioning comes into play when we serialize an object with one definition of a class, but deserialize the streamed object with a different class definition. By streamed object, we mean the serialized representation of an object. Between serialization and deserialization of an object, the class definition can change.

Note that at serialization and at deserialization, the definition of the class (i.e., its bytecode file) should be accessible. In the examples so far, the class definition has been the same at both serialization and deserialization. Example 20.10 illustrates the problem of class definition mismatch at deserialization and the solution provided by Java.

Example 20.10 makes use of the following classes (numbering refers to code lines in the example):

(1) The original version of the serializable class Item. It has one field named price. An object of this class will be serialized and read using different versions of this class.

(2) A newer version of the class Item that has been augmented with a field for the weight of an item. This class will only be used for deserialization of objects that have been serialized with the original version of the class.

(3) The class Serializer serializes an object of the original version of the class Item.

(4) The class DeSerializer deserializes a streamed object of the class Item. In the example, deserialization is based on a different version of the Item class than the one used at serialization.

There are no surprises if we use the original class Item to serialize and deserialize an object of the Item class.

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// Original version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {                            // (1)
  private double price;


Before writing: Price: 100.00
After reading: Price: 100.00

If we deserialize a streamed object of the original class Item at (1) based on the byte-code file of the augmented version of the Item class at (2), an InvalidClassException is thrown at runtime.

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// New version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {                            // (2)
  private double price;
  private double weight;                                  // Additional field

Result (edited to fit on the page):

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Exception in thread “main” java.io.InvalidClassException: Item;
local class incompatible:
  stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -4194294879924868414,
  local class serialVersionUID = -1186964199368835959
     at DeSerializer.main(DeSerializer.java:14)

The question is, how was the class definition mismatch discovered at runtime? The answer lies in the stack trace of the exception thrown. The local class was incompatible, meaning the class we are using to deserialize is not compatible with the class that was used when the object was serialized. In addition, two long numbers are printed, representing the serialVersionUID of the respective class definitions. The first serialVersionUID is generated by the serialization process based on the class definition and becomes part of the streamed object. The second serialVersionUID is generated based on the local class definition that is accessible at deserialization. The two are not equal, and deserialization fails.

A serializable class can provide its serialVersionUID by declaring it in its class declaration, exactly as shown below, except for the initial value which of course can be different:

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static final long serialVersionUID = 100L;            // Appropriate value.

As we saw in the example above, if a serializable class does not provide a serialVersionUID, one is implicitly generated. By providing an explicit serialVersionUID, it is possible to control what happens at deserialization. As newer versions of the class are created, the serialVersionUID can be kept the same until it is deemed that older streamed objects are no longer compatible for deserialization. After the change to the serialVersionUID, it will not be possible to deserialize older streamed objects of the class based on newer versions of the class. Although static members of a class are not serialized, the only exception is the value of the static final long serialVersionUID field.

In the scenario below, the original version and the newer version of the class Item both declare a serialVersionUID at (1a) and at (2a), respectively, that has the same value. An Item object is serialized using the original version, but deserialized based on the newer version. We see that serialization succeeds, and the weight field is initialized to the default value 0.0. In other words, the object created is of the newer version of the class.

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// Original version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {    // (1)
  static final long serialVersionUID = 1000L;  // (1a)
  private double price;

// New version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {    // (2)
  static final long serialVersionUID = 1000L;  // (2a) Same serialVersionUID
  private double price;
  private double weight;                       // Additional field


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Before writing: Price: 100.00
After reading: Price: 100.00, Weight: 0.00

However, if we now deserialize the streamed object of the original class having 1000L as the serialVersionUID, based on the newer version of the class having the serialVersionUID equal to 1001L, deserialization fails as we would expect because the serialVersionUIDs are different.

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// New version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {    // (2)
  static final long serialVersionUID = 1001L;  // (2b) Different serialVersionUID
  private double price;
  private double weight;

Result (edited to fit on the page):

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Exception in thread “main” java.io.InvalidClassException: Item;
local class incompatible:
  stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 1000,
  local class serialVersionUID = 1001
     at DeSerializer.main(DeSerializer.java:14)

Best practices advocate that serializable classes should use the serialVersionUID solution for better control of what happens at deserialization as classes evolve.

Example 20.10 Class Versioning

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import java.io.Serializable;
// Original version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {                            // (1)
//static final long serialVersionUID = 1000L;                          // (1a)
  private double price;
  public Item(double price) {
    this.price = price;
  public String toString() {
    return String.format(“Price: %.2f%n”, this.price);

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import java.io.Serializable;
// New version of the Item class.
public class Item implements Serializable {                            // (2)
//static final long serialVersionUID = 1000L;                          // (2a)
//static final long serialVersionUID = 1001L;                          // (2b)
  private double price;
  private double weight;
  public Item(double price, double weight) {
    this.price = price;
    this.weight = weight;
  public String toString() {
    return String.format(“Price: %.2f, Weight: %.2f”, this.price, this.weight);

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// Serializer for objects of class Item.
import java.io.*;
public class Serializer {                                                // (3)
  public static void main(String args[])
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    try (// Set up the output stream:
        FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(“item_storage.dat”);
        ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputFile)) {
      // Serialize an object of the original class:
      Item item = new Item(100.00);
      System.out.println(“Before writing: ” + item);

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// Deserializer for objects of class Item.
import java.io.*;
public class DeSerializer{                                               // (4)
  public static void main(String args[])
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    try (// Set up the input streams:
        FileInputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(“item_storage.dat”);
        ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputFile)) {
      // Read a serialized object of the Item class.
      Item item = (Item) inputStream.readObject();
      // Write data on standard output stream.
      System.out.println(“After reading: ” + item);